Female Blood Elf Dk Funny Names

Name Role Affiliation Condition
Neutral [80+]IconSmall UndeadElf Female.gifLady Alistra Death Knight trainer in Acherus: The Ebon Hold Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Neutral [80+]IconSmall GnomeDeathKnight Female.gifDarkrider Arly Quest giver in Blackwatch, Icecrown Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Combat [??]IconSmall Attumen.gifAttumen the Huntsman (presumed) Found in Karazhan with his horse Midnight none Killable
Combat [60]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifAlexei Barov Mini-boss of Scholomance Scourge Killable
Combat [58+]IconSmall Undead Male.gifMarduk Blackpool Mini-boss of Scholomance Scourge Killable
Combat [??]IconSmall Blaumeux.gifLady Blaumeux One of the Four Horsemen in the Military Quarter of Naxxramas Scourge Killable
Combat [73]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifOrbaz Bloodbane Servant of the Lich King Scourge Killable
Combat [80]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifRokir The Rider of the Unholy Scourge Killable
Combat [80]IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Female.gifSapph The Rider of Frost Scourge Killable
Combat [80]IconSmall Vrykul Male.gifBaelok The Rider of Blood Scourge Killable
Combat [80]IconSmall Vrykul Male.gifGjonner the Merciless Arena master of Valhalas Scourge Alive
Combat [62+]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifDarkreaver Found in Scholomance Scourge Killable
Combat [57]IconSmall SkeletalWarrior.gifLord Darkscythe Rare mob in Eastern Plaguelands Scourge Killable
Neutral [75]IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Female.gifBloodrose Datura Quest giver in the Ebon Watch, Zul'Drak Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Combat [??]IconSmall Falric.gifFalric Served as Arthas' Captain during the Third War Formerly Alliance of Lordaeron, Currently the Scourge Unknown
Horde [80]IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Male.gifKoltira Deathweaver First Death Knight to join the Horde. Found on Orgrim's Hammer. Horde Alive
Neutral [??]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifMargrave Dhakar Commands troops in the Fleshwerks, Icecrown Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Neutral [??]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifEbon Watcher Quest giver in the Valley of Echoes, Icecrown Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Combat [??]IconSmall Teron.gifTeron Gorefiend Found in Shadowmoon Valley and the Black Temple Illidari Killable
Combat [70+]IconSmall Undead Male.gifHeadless Horseman Found in the Scarlet Monastery's graveyard, serves himself none Killable
Combat [60]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifIlifar Found in the Blasted Lands, serves Razelikh Burning Legion Killable
Neutral [??]IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Female.gifJayde Fights the Scourge in Scourgeholme, Icecrown Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Combat [??]IconSmall Korth'azz.gifThane Korth'azz One of the Four Horsemen in the Military Quarter of Naxxramas Scourge Killable
Combat [72+]IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Male.gifLuthion the Vile Lieutenant of Prince Valanar in Naxxanar, Borean Tundra Scourge Killable
Combat [??]IconSmall Marwyn.gifMarwyn Served as Arthas' Captain during the Third War Formerly Alliance of Lordaeron, Currently the Scourge Unknown
Combat [??]IconSmall LichKing.gifArthas Menethil Became Lich King Scourge Deceased
Neutral [??]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifDarion Mograine Leader of the Knights of the Ebon Blade Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Combat [??]IconSmall Mograine.gifAlexandros Mograine Formerly Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade and one of the Four Horsemen Unknown Killable
Neutral [??]IconSmall OrcDeathKnight Male.gifMunch Fights the Scourge in Scourgeholme, Icecrown Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Neutral [80]IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Female.gifDuchess Mynx Ebon Blade quartermaster Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Neutral [56]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifKnight Commander Plaguefist Quest giver in the Chapel of the Crimson Flame, Eastern Plaguelands Scourge Alive
Combat [??]IconSmall UndeadDeathKnight.gifRagnok Recovered the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras in the Broken Isles Horde of Draenor Unknown
Combat [??]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifInstructor Razuvious Found in the Death Knight Wing of Naxxramas Scourge Killable
Combat [??]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifBaron Rivendare One of the Four Horsemen in the Military Quarter of Naxxramas Scourge Killable
Neutral [80+]IconSmall Attumen.gifSalanar the Horseman Quest giver in Death's Breach, Eastern Plaguelands Scourge Alive
Neutral [80+]IconSmall NightElfDeathKnight Female.gifSiouxsie the Banshee Quest giver in Acherus: The Ebon Hold Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Combat [??]IconSmall UndeadDeathKnight.gifGaz Soulripper Ner'zhul placed him in charge of matters on the Dark Portal, Azeroth side Horde of Draenor Deceased
Neutral [80+]IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Male.gifScourge Commander Thalanor Quest giver in Acherus: The Ebon Hold Scourge Alive
Alliance [72]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifThassarian First Alliance death knight in Acherus: The Ebon Hold Alliance Alive
Neutral [80+]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifLord Thorval Death knight trainer in Acherus: The Ebon Hold Scourge Alive
Neutral [75]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifStefan Vadu Quest giver in Ebon Watch, Zul'Drak Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive
Combat [73]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifDuke Vallenhal Killed Dahlia Suntouch at the Ruby Dragonshrine, Dragonblight Scourge Killable
Combat [72+]IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Male.gifVanthryn the Merciless Lieutenant of Prince Valanar in Naxxanar, Borean Tundra Scourge Killable
Combat [??]IconSmall Zeliek.gifSir Zeliek One of the Four Horsemen in the Military Quarter of Naxxramas Scourge Killable
Combat [80]IconSmall DeathKnight.gifGeneral Lightsbane Oversees the Shadow Vault Scourge Killable


Lord Nightsorrow, Lord Soulrender, Lord Dethstorm, Lord Maldazzar, Lord Darkhallow, Lord Lightstalker, Baron Bloodbane, Baron Felblade, Duke Dreadmoore, Duke Ragereaver, Baron Frostfel, Baron Perenolde, Duke Wintermaul, Baron Morte.

Note: Many of these names represent random heroes in Warcraft III.


Source: https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_death_knights

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